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Students in the Master of Dietetics program have access to all Musselman Library resources, but those highlighted on this page may be the most useful for research in relavent disciplines.
Search the Bluffton Library Catalog to find print and electronic books on food, nutrition, and related topics. On the Keyword seach screen, limit [Material Type] to EBOOK to locate electronic books accessible from anywhere in the world.
Are you located near Bluffton, or in Ohio, near another OhioLINK member library? Search the OhioLINK library catalog and request books to be sent to a convenient location near you - just choose the closest OhioLINK member library as the pickup location.
Musselman Library offers a wide range of search tool and research database options to locate article sources for dietetics and related research topics. Many are linked below, you can also consult the Research Databases A-Z list directly and select from all of the options, or limit by Subject.
Largest and most in-depth nursing and allied health database with full text for nearly 400 journals from these fields.
Provides access to nearly 200 full-text journals in the nursing and allied health fields.
Indexing for biomedical literature from around the world with full text for more than 1,470 journals.
Searchable collection of full text scholarly/peer-reviewed articles in 11,000+ journals from top publishers, academic societies and university presses.
Search the Bluffton and OhioLINK library catalogs and many research databases together in one search tool.
Nutrition Care Manuals from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
SNCM from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides research-based nutrition information and clinical tools for dietitians and other allied health professionals.