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Library Service Changes 2025

This guide outlines changes coming to various Musselman Library services in 2025, including but not limited to the OhioLINK library services platform migration and migration to the new EBSCOhost database user interface for several research databases.

What's changing here?

A new library catalog and changes to several online library services are coming to Bluffton for Musselman Library users in spring 2025.  Learn more about this project and how it might affect you by clicking through the tabs below...

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What is happening?

OhioLINK received funding from the state of Ohio to migrate all member libraries to a new library services platform.  ExLibris Alma/Primo VE was selected as the new platform.  The process to migrate began early in 2024 and will continue through the system's go-live in June 2025.  See the "What will change?" tab for a list of services that will change as a result of this migration project. 

Libraries have changed a lot since our existing library catalog software was created 30 years ago. We now curate collections of print and electronic content to support teaching, learning, and research, and we need a more robust platform to do this work.

The new system will provide features and benefits for library users:

  • Faster searching – search electronic and print resources in one search if preferred
  • Enhanced discovery -- explore automatic recommendations, citation trails, availability in multiple formats, and track requests
  • Personalized features –saves preferences, searches, citations, and export to citation management systems
  • More intuitive user experience
  • Mobile friendly – a responsive user interface designed specifically for mobile devices

As we get closer to the end of the semester, watch for more information about how your user experiences will change. While the system will be easy to use, the library will provide training opportunies for you to learn more.

What will change?

These services will change:

Alma/Primo will replace the current catalog that searches all the physical holdings (books and other printed materials) and electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, and databases) accessible to our library. The interface will look different, but the actual collections included in the search will not change or be disrupted by the migration. Users will have new ways to search across electronic and print collections.

When will this happen?

These changes will take place starting in the middle of spring semester 2025.  The Important dates tab at left lists important dates which may affect researchers.

Will I have to return all my books before the new system goes live?

No.  You will be able to keep any items that you have checked out, and you are welcome to return any items that you no longer need at any time.  Only new requests and renewals are pausing during the go-live period, as noted on the Important dates listWe will announce when OhioLINK requesting restarts on the new system. 

Borrowing and renewals from SearchOhio libraries will take longer to restart because that system is more complex.

What will the new system look like?

Omni, the search tool used by University of Waterloo and Conrad Grebel University College, is built on the same PrimoVE platform as our new tool.  While Bluffton's branding and connection to OhioLINK will look a little different, many of Omni's features will be a match or similar to our our new system will function.

Will there be demonstrations of the new system, or training for how to use it?

We hope to be able to demonstrate the new system soon before it goes live.  OhioLINK has established a user experience working group to develop guides to help us communicate to students, faculty, and staff who will use this new system.  We're looking forward to their recommendations.  

What are Musselman Library staff doing to prepare?

Members of the Musselman Library staff are attending weekly meetings for many aspects of this project.  Library staff from all OhioLINK libraries are participating - this project affects the entire state.  We are completing configuration documents and performing tests of the trial version of our new library services platform to make sure that it working properly.  When we discover problems, we report them to project coordinators to seek a solution.  We're looking forward to being able to show you the new systems when they're ready.  Let us know if you have questions!

I have more questions. What should I do?

I have more questions.  What should I do?

Send your questions to or reach out to Carrie Phillips, library director.