Coming in May 2025:
Changes to EBSCOhost databases, including Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, ERIC, and many others:
EBSCO provides the search interface for many of Musselman Library's research databases (those named above, and many others). EBSCO has released a new search interface for these databases and will sunset the current interface in late summer 2025. Bluffton will move our databases to EBSCO's new interface for these databases in May 2025.
Which databases will be affected?
Use the tab at the left to see a list of the databases which use the EBSCOhost search interface and will be updated to the new interface in May 2025. We will update this list as we learn of other databases shifting to the new interface. Stay tuned!
Can we preview the new user interface now?
Yes! You can use the links below to try out the new interface with a few of the databases.
I created a MyEBSCO account so I can use the Folder feature. Will my folder contents transfer to the new interface?
Not everything will transfer. You can use your MyEBSCO credentials to sign in to My Dashboard on the new interface. Some items that are saved to the general "My Folder" area of MyEBSCO will be viewable in the new interface's "My Dashboard" feature. Custom folders in MyEBSCO will not transfer to My Dashboard. We suggest testing what you can see in My Dashboard by signing in to MyEBSCO on the preview of Academic Search Complete in the new interface. Contact us at the Research Help desk if you're not sure how to proceed, and we'll help!
WINDOW looks like these databases. Will WINDOW get the new interface, too?
No. WINDOW will be replaced by the new library services platform which will go live in June 2025. Read more about that here.
I have more questions. What should I do?
Send your questions to or reach out to Carrie Phillips, library director.