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WINDOW is a powerful tool that lets you search the Bluffton and OhioLINK library catalogs and many research databases with a single search box. It's built on the same platform as several of our databases, so it will look familiar to users of Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, and other EBSCO databases.
Explore the tabs above on this guide to learn more about WINDOW, or try it out using the box below. Use the Go To Window tab to visit WINDOW's own advanced search page.
WINDOW helps you quickly find relevant resources on a research topic without having to decide which database(s) to search.
You can limit your search results in a variety of ways, including publication date, scholarly designation. Both the Bluffton University library catalog and the OhioLINK catalog are integrated into the search results.
Some of our research databases have powerful search features which are only available in their unique interfaces. To take advantage of those richer features, you may choose to search that particular database individually. All of our research databases are still available from the Research Databases link on our homepage.
Links to these individual resources are provided on the library's homepage and from the More Research Tools page on our site.