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Keywords are the words, phrases, and terms we use to describe the main concepts, ideas, people, events, and issues we are researching. A list of relevant keywords will be an important tool in your research efforts.
This video, created by librarians at the University of Houston, will help you understand keywords. If you watch, and you have more questions, look for the "Need more help?" box to the left.
Before you begin searching, think about relevant keywords for your topic. They'll help you create your search strategy. Keywords should represent the main concepts you want to explore. They're usually single words or short phrases.
Look closely at your thesis statement or research question, and identify the main concepts.
Next, think about other words or short phrases that will help you find information on these concepts. Think about words that mean the same thing as your concept words.
Use these words alone and combined in different ways to begin searching the databases. Keep an eye out for additional words and phrases you see as you start searching - add them to your list.
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