Leverage the work of librarians who have created digital user guides like this one for finding primary sources online. Use Google or your favorite search engine to try this search, and explore the results you see:
primary sources libguides
Digitized page images of historic American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912 on advertising, health, women's issues, science, the history of slavery, industry and professions, religious issues, culture and the arts, and more.
Digitized images of the pages of over 1,100 historic American magazines, journals, and newspapers.
Electronic version of Harper's Weekly from the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, 1857-1871.
Current and historical access to the New York Times, from today’s paper (including Spanish and Mandarin editions) back to 1851. Unlimited access EXCEPT 1923-1980 restricted to 5 articles per day. NOTE: To register for a free account or for annual renewal of your existing pass, go to: AccessNYT.com, enter Bluffton University, and follow the instructions.