PAWS (or Personalized Assistance With Searching) is a way for you to get help from a librarian when you need it. Whether you're working on a short paper, a semester-long project, or another type of research, meeting with a librarian can help open doors to new and different sources for you.
The PAWS concept was borrowed with permission from the University Libraries at the University of Albany, State University of New York. We used and also adapted freely from their website. We thank them for their generosity.
A 30-minute PAWS appointment with a librarian is available to Bluffton students, faculty, and staff. We can:
Click here to make a PAWS appointment. We'll confirm a meeting time and location with you.
Faculty might refer their students to PAWS for a number of reasons:
Faculty interested in requiring PAWS for each student in a class are asked to make advance arrangements with the library. In some circumstances, an instruction session for the class may be more suited.
Note: for help with the writing process, students can visit the Writing Center. The center is staffed by Bluffton students majoring in education or English. Visit the Writing Center website for more information.
PAWS isn't just for students. Faculty and staff can make appointments as well. If you want to meet with a librarian, we'd be happy to accommodate you. You might want to make an appointment for any of the following reasons: